October 8, 2021

“His approach to it was something we hadn’t seen before”- Cam Rogers

“Guy’s work was critical in making one of our newer characters iconic. His approach to it was something we hadn’t seen before, and the results were better than we could have hoped for. His patience, thoughtfulness and attention to detail are just a few reasons we’ve called him back to work on other characters in Warframe.” – Cameron Rogers, Lead Writer, Warframe 2021.

“Ticker” – First arrived in Warframe: Fortuna expansion in November 2018.

Ticker was a real breakthrough character for my work in the voice industry, making the transition from sport commentating, film work and public events into the gaming world and to come in at the top with a AAA title like Warframe was an unconventional start to say the least. Ticker was one of the first openly trans characters in a major release, and not only was she a character that was relatable, kind and warm, but she was fierce, strong, wise and optimistic also. Her lines were some of the best written lines in the game and really helped bring her to the highly loved character that she became. Over the course of my time working with Digital Extremes I have been completely humbled by the amazing community that Warframe has, and the responses to Ticker’s presence in the gaming world were and still are overwhlemingly positive. Below are some of the comments received via Twitter and Reddit about her impact.

Ticker is unironically one of the greatest characters in Warframe. Unassailable self-confidence, a grounded world-view, and a great degree of empathy and wisdom all bundled up in one sassy saleswoman.

Ticker is one of those human beings that has a heart of gold and is so down to Earth (or should I say Venus). Rarely see these types of characters in video games and it’s refreshing. 10/10 my favorite character from Fortuna.

I even had a lovely letter written to me via a fan who had suffered for years with debilitating depression and she informed me that she was down to her last trial for an experimental treatment to help, with therapeutic psychedelic treatment. During her trip, she saw Ticker come to her and told her that she was perfect as she was and only she could provide the world with the uniqueness of her perspective and really helped her through a dark time. Ticker became more than just my voice and Cam Rogers’ words. She became a pillar of hope and love for a community who felt under represented.

Thank you so much for her. Having Equinox and Ticker in the game makes my transheart warm.

Ticker brought back for Special “Valentines Day” promotion Feb 14th 2020.

During the start of the pandemic here in Australia, DE contacted me to get Ticker back in the recording booth to celebrate love in all it’s forms through the “Star Days” fortnight. During this promotion, all the characters in game called “Tenno” were given a pair of wings and the pictures of all the characters with wings on were amazing. At a time when the world was filled with so much fear and distrust, DE made an event to bring everyone back together and share the love.


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