Professional Affiliates


Chris and the team over at Saigon productions are perhaps the most professional in the business, without fail they produce outstanding quality sound and in a timely and efficient manner

Saigon productions and it’s director Chris Carty always produce amazing sound quality and as one of Stitched Up’s first affiliates I will always utilise their services when I want something to sound absolutely jaw dropping. Based in Melbourne and formed in 2017 they have a welcoming and warm studio which draws you in and what comes out has to be heard to be believed. Their website is currently under maintenance but rest assured, these guys are the best in the business.


Marks and Burns is headed up by their lead designer and founder Joel Perrett, whilst officially they are a Laser Craft Ideas Factory, they do so much more than just cut things with lasers.

Artist Joel Perrett is one of the most prolific designers that we at Stitched up Productions have ever seen, he taps into the subconscious of society and brings out imagery that excites the imagination. We are lucky to have them as an official affiliate as he was around during the conception of Stitched up Productions and indeed helped create some of the very first puppets we ever used. His continuing contribution to art and in the field of evolutionary advancement place him squarely at the centre of what it means to be part of our community. Check out his artwork at