About Stitched Up Productions

For about 6 years I ran a government household and cared for over 350 underprivileged young people. During that part of my life I realised two things, without imagination there is no growth and unwavering love and compassion can overcome cyclical pain and disconnection.

From that time, an idea and philosophy was born. Stitched up Productions was formed in 2010 and was originally designed as a puppet company, I had all these monumental ideas and gathered together some amazing artists and collaborators to help me build a puppet empire. Then, I realised that whilst I had a great idea, I had no idea how to develop a media empire, and became disheartened. Little did I know it but I spent the next 8 years building my skill set in voice work and business and finally in 2020 during the pandemic decided to go back to university to get the skills to realise my dream. I now make amazing content for the whole family that isn’t numbed down, with omni-directional moral fibre and evolutionary ethics to help guide the future generations into a more connected and in tune humanity. And thus, Stitched up Productions has become more than just a puppet company, it has become a production house that is about taking what we have and building something better.