The Brewin Transfer

Hours and date:
The Cherry Tree Hotel

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Artist Image

THE BREWIN' TRANSFER (a good beer week staple)

Beginning in 2017, The Brewin' Transfer was an event where we were taking a light hearted look at old beer commercials whilst drinking beer, with a panel of marketing experts we dissected, discussed and rated the commercials to find the ultimate winner. At this event, many of my female friends were invited and something became extraordinarily apparent. They were all incredibly misogynistic and sexist and didn't appeal to the current drinking market. So, Toby Kingsley (the bars manager and Covid Australian of the Year 2020) and I helped fashion it into something amazing. And the next year craft breweries from around the country were invited to compete in the Brewin transfer competition. Making a beer ad aimed at females. With Clementine Ford on the panel the night was a roaring success, and again the following year, we upped the stakes and the challenge was to make a beer ad aimed at a previously under represented audience. Again a massive night with roaring reviews. I was the host and co-creator the event and below are some of the amazing creations that surfaced as a result of the ingenuity of the amazing Toby Kingsley.